Space-o-Nomics is a set of theories and philosophies which have been guiding the course of my life all these years.
These are not hard bound rules but constantly evolving guidelines.

Simply put, it is my view & take on things, all & sundry.

Just in Love

In a galaxy far, far away, a young Rupal was being publicly beaten to death by a pair of Ogilocks. His only crime had been that he had fallen in love with the daughter of the richest and the most powerful Rupal of the planet. With each assault the whole crowd flinched, some hiding their faces, while some clearly ashamed at their helplessness.

But this is not about all that. This is not a saga about love which transcends the boundaries of cast and creed. It is not about a love whose finale is being played out in a galaxy million of light years away. This one is about a girl who came into the life of yours truly, and changed it TOTALLY.

It has been ages since I have written anything, least of all a memoir about myself. The laptop is a tad bit dusty, the words are coming in a little slowly, the rush of gibberish is just a trickle right now but I know within, it is nothing but the calm before the storm. Soon thoughts would start running haphazardly in my mindspace, overloading the whole thinking framework, if that is possible. See it is already happening, am diverging from the main plot.

Before I start though, I need to explain why am I doing this? Me, of all the people, who has always zealously guarded his privacy so much so that it almost made me labeled as a fanatic, made a point to not let the virtual persona come in my real world and vice versa. Why then I’m writing this in the first place? Baring out my soul to the eyes of so many (or selected few.)

Half of me don’t know while the other half actually doesn’t care. There is no sinister agenda, no ulterior motive, no point to prove, yet my fingers are waltzing on the keyboard, trying to paint the picture of my girl with mere words.

She chose wrong, everyone who knows me believes that. For someone as eccentric (read screwed up) as me to find someone like her is nothing short of a miracle. I’m not going to sing praises of her love, rave about her care, her persona, her effect on me and how she makes me a better human being because quite frankly no words can actually even begin to elucidate them. Whoever made language clearly didn’t imagine that one day someone like her will walk across this parched earth, someone so amazingly magnificent that words would simply fail to describe her.

I know skeptics might have already labeled me as someone wearing rose tinted glasses while cynics might be rolling there eyes and attributing my condition to the initial rush of romance. I do understand those points and respect the disbelief. I would have been more surprised if one would have taken my word for it. Human nature by default is suspicious. We are programmed and conditioned to be a little wary, a little discreet, and apprehensive about people. Guarding ourselves least we fall prey to some emotional turmoil. I know all about it because I’m the biggest cynic of them all, despite being a little paradoxical.

I have always been the one with walls all around, the one who is open to people yet always a little cautious when it comes to trust them with my loved ones. Rarely would you find me in a free flow, with me, my heart and my mind all united and agreeing on the same thing. It was in one of those rare moments that I talked to her for the first time and instantly my mind and heart screamed, ‘Don’t do that.’

Usually when I meet someone for the first time, talk to someone whom I like, I try not to loose touch. I ask for their number, or at least I used to. When the first time I talked to her, and I remember this vividly, the only thing that flashed across my mind was ‘don’t ask for her number, or give signals that can get you labeled ‘creepy’ instantly’, the last line was added by my heart. The bottom line was ‘don’t try too hard, don’t try to impress, be yourself, go with the flow and most importantly make patience your best friend’. Though simple, the advice was difficult to be followed. I only know the turmoil and anxiety I felt at that time. At times I almost buckled but the desire to be considered as a good guy kept me going.

The relationship seemed like right out of some Mills & Boon’s story. Roses are red, violets are blue didn’t seem clichéd anymore. The romance was picture perfect, the feelings gooey sweet and quite frankly it felt more like a dream then reality. I have written everything in past tense in spite of the fact that even today all of it is still true. The only thing different is that by now me and her have survived some turbulence in heaven. We have had our arguments, our disagreements, some serious ones while some downright silly yet we live to tell the tale. The good thing about all the fights was that after we were over with them both of us realized despite the difference in opinions and our two very strong personalities, we are soulmates.

Soulmates. The word sounds mythical, doesn’t it? Makes me seem like totally cut off from reality, living in a wonderland and creating castles out of thin air? The whole idea of someone out there being the one who effortlessly fits into every fault of yours seems totally absurd. So much so, that a handful of people who do believe in the concept are considered totally impractical (loony is the word that my some mild mannered apolitical friends would like to use).

It dawns on me why I did actually want to write this. I just intend this chapter of my life to be a testament of hope. I’m not a preacher, no leader and certainly am not looking for followers, but I don’t think that if this tribute to my love becomes a tiny ray of hope for some souls it is going to be a bad thing. All of us are just striving for one thing in our lives. A little peace, a little tranquility and a lot of happiness. Love, wealth, fortune, relationships, all mere means to achieve pure bliss.

I hope you find yours. I found mine in her arms.

By the way, the Rupal lovers in the galaxy far far away were united. Turned out the Rupal was a best friend of the crown prince of the mighty Razabar clan. They came to his rescue and totally kicked ass.

P.S- My own best friend warned me not to let her go. To quote him, ‘For the first time I’m jealous that you have someone like her. Do whatever it takes but keep this thing going for both of you, especially for yourself. You aren’t going to find someone as good as her again.’

Re- Debut

The most difficult part of starting something new is well 'starting' it.

The original Space-O-Nomics started in 2007 with the same thought. By this theory the revised version of Space-O-Nomics should be quite easy to start, but trust me it is not.

But why a fresh start you might ask.

The last four years have been like a roller coaster for me. From riding on the crest of the wave, to falling into the nadir, life has taken me to a point where when I look back the original 'rules of conduct' seems to be too outdated to be followed today.

Is it my cynicism speaking or my disillusioned soul? The truth is neither. It is the eternal voice of time and nature which whispers in my ear to embrace the evolution of my ideas and thoughts instead of holding on to their distorted images.

With time,insight and experience of this world i may be bound to change my views altogether.

This one is going to be just the philosophical rants and racy memoirs. The original will serve fictitious tales all inspired by the knowledge of Space-O-Nomics.

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